Mapbox Usage


  • source (default: "mapbox.places"): the endpoint to use
  • countryCodes: to restrict the results to one or more countries (ISO 3166 alpha 2 country codes)

geocode parameters

  • countryCodes: to restrict the results to one or more countries (ISO 3166 alpha 2 country codes)
  • proximity (object with latitude and longitude keys): to bias the response to favor results that are closer to the specified location
  • fuzzyMatch: to approximate the request terms or do an exact matching
  • types (possible values: "country", "region", "postcode", "district", "place", "locality", "neighborhood", "address", "poi"): to filter the results to a subset of location types

geodecode parameters

  • countryCodes: to restrict the results to one or more countries (ISO 3166 alpha 2 country codes)
  • reverseMode ("distance" or "score", default: "distance"): how results are sorted
  • types (possible values: "country", "region", "postcode", "district", "place", "locality", "neighborhood", "address", "poi"): to filter the results to a subset of location types

Geocoded properties

  • types: the result types