Google Maps (Geocoding API) Usage


  • countryCodes: to restrict the results to one or more countries (ccTLD country codes)
  • clientId: to use a client ID instead of the API key (Premium only)
  • secret: the URL signing secret to use to digitally sign the request (Premium only and only server-side)

geocode parameters

  • countryCodes: to restrict the results to one or more countries (ccTLD country codes)
  • components (array of objects with name and value properties): to filter the results by components
  • channel: channel to use for this request (Premium only)

geodecode parameters

  • types: to filter the results by address types
  • precisions (possible values: "ROOFTOP", "RANGE_INTERPOLATED", "GEOMETRIC_CENTER", "APPROXIMATE"): to filter the results by precisions
  • channel: channel to use for this request (Premium only)

Geocoded properties

  • placeId: a unique identifier used with other Google APIs
  • partialMatch: to indicate the geocoder did not return an exact match
  • types: the result types
  • precision: a type representing the precision of the result
  • streetAddress: the street number with the street name
  • intersection, political, colloquialArea, ward, neighborhood, premise, subpremise, naturalFeature, airport, park, pointOfInterest, establishment, postalCodeSuffix: additional address components
  • subLocalityLevels: levels for the sublocality (greater level number means smaller area)